Rib Cage
24 ribs
Lined up like sentinels
Guarding my heart and lungs
A treasure chest
Holding life itself.
Passion and Breath.
Knit together in my mother’s womb
Soul lessons from my parents
And my parents’ parents
And their parents
All imprinted genetically
In my infrastructure
It’s literally
Hands clasped
Fingers intertwined
Here is the church
Here is the steeple
Open the doors
And see all the people.
These ribs, a skeletal cage
Comprised of those who came before me
E X P A N D I N G and >contracting<
With every breath
Trapping trauma
Clutching my heart to itself
What began with the intention
Of protection
Became the tight squeeze of
A spiritual prison
My freedom of expression
It’s crowded in my chest
Burdened with these familial guests
My heart beats against
Its suit of armor
My lungs withholding breath
Ever playing the martyr.
Digging through the marrow
Excavating old beliefs.
Extricating what is mine
And what was theirs.
Loss of stability
Causing fragility.
A small break provides some brief
Then the fault line
Refusing to fall in line
This time
Sends fractures
Throughout the boney guards
One by one
CRACKING me open.
Excruciating pain of several generations
Previously unspoken
Crawls up my throat
Crying out:
Broken! We’re BROKEN!
And as the physical pain subsides
We recognize
That the cage
A doorway through which
My ancestors unhealed wounds depart
The spaciousness created
Revealing my own heart
Room to breathe.
Room for ME.
24 ribs
Proclaiming, I’m free.